
Complete Versions

Customers may click here for instructions to download and install the latest Version of the Thermoflow software suite.

Software Revisions

From time-to-time we revise the software to resolve problems and/or add minor features.  We make Revisions available to be installed on top of already-installed complete Versions, to implement these changes.

To access the latest revision, simply click 'Help -> Check for Revision...' menu from any Thermoflow program.

Wind Resource Files

Click here to choose and download wind resource files for use with the Wind Farm component in THERMOFLEX 28.1+ and NOVOPRO 1.1+


The book Design of Gas Turbine Combined Cycles and Cogeneration Systems, authored by Thermoflow's founder, Dr. Maher A. Elmasri, is now available free as a pdf to any Thermoflow customer in good standing.

To read the preface click here.

If you are a current Thermoflow software customer and wish to request your free download click here.