About Us

Since 1988, Thermoflow has been the leading developer of thermal engineering design and simulation software for the power and cogeneration industries.

The company is focused solely on the development and support of its thermal engineering software suite. With close to ten thousand individual programs sold, and about three thousand users in 80 countries, Thermoflow today has the largest share of the world market. Its comprehensive software suite is the most mature and widely-used of its genre in the world, with over seven million runs per year.

By 2022, Thermoflow had invested over 350,000 man-hours of technical excellence in the development of the software products; which are now in Version 31, thirty-six years after the initial launch of GT PRO. Indeed, it may be reasonably assumed that virtually any gas turbine combined-cycle plant built anywhere in the world during this period has been modeled by GT PRO, whether by the owner, developer, financier, consultant, engineer, equipment manufacturer, constructor or operator.

A philosophy of excellence

Thermoflow's success has been derived from a philosophy of technical excellence in all aspects of its products, services and people. The excellence of a manufactured product in the power industry is tangible. For example, it can be demonstrated that a turbine has met its claimed power output, heat consumption and reliability. The accuracy of a software model, on the other hand, is much harder to discern. Whereas gross errors are obvious, subtle modeling inaccuracies that produce no violations of heat and mass balances generally go unnoticed. This is especially true in predictive off-design simulation of components and systems, where unsatisfactory modeling techniques can remain undetected by the typical user for years. It is all too easy to concentrate on the visible facade of attractive graphics and sales hype, rather than the unseen core of knowledge that only an expert can perceive. Thermoflow's philosophy, however, has always been to relentlessly pursue engineering excellence and integrity by concentrating on the difficult but critical core of technical details, despite the fact that many users and potential customers never perceive this extra effort.

Thermoflow's philosophy of excellence is firmly rooted in our people. All our engineers who do any programming on our models hold Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering, many from MIT. The senior staff have all been carefully selected and trained by the founder. Advanced engineering talent is not just used to derive the models and direct program development, but to actually write the programs, and then only after an extensive period of training and observation at Thermoflow. This has minimized errors or oversights, all too common in large engineering models, and ensured that all modeling approximations are fully analyzed and understood before being carefully incorporated into the programs.

Success and stability, based on performance

Thermoflow has never sought nor received funding from sponsoring agencies or outside investors. For thirty years the company has been independent, successful, and profitable because Thermoflow has provided reliable, high quality software products which truly enhance its customers' productivity. The continuing growth and development of Thermoflow's products is assured by a stable, broad, growing base of satisfied customers.

Repeat business indicates customer satisfaction. Most of Thermoflow's larger customers have ordered more and more copies of its software over the years, and most users of one Thermoflow program have ordered its newer programs. Indeed, many have ordered new Thermoflow products sight unseen, without asking for demos or trials, based on the confidence developed over years of customer satisfaction with other Thermoflow products.